10 Things You Can Do Now If You Want to Run for Office

Running for political office can be an exciting and rewarding endeavor for those passionate about making a difference in their communities and shaping the future. Whether you aspire to become a local council member, a state representative, or even dream of higher office, the journey towards elected office requires careful planning and strategic thinking. In this blog post, we will explore ten essential steps to help you prepare for a successful run for political office.

  1. Define Your Purpose and Values: Before embarking on a political campaign, it is crucial to clearly define your purpose for seeking office and to identify the values you wish to promote. We refer to this as your “Why”. This clarity will eventually guide your campaign messaging and fundraising pitches, of course, but will also be very important to keep in mind during the grind of the campaign.

  2. Research, Research, Research: Before you launch a campaign, take the time to educate yourself about the current political landscape, and look into previous races held at the level of office you are pursuing. What issues have people run on before for that office? How much money was raised by previous candidates for this office?  If there is an incumbent, how much money have they raised in the past? How many votes is it going to take to win? How many people generally vote in that race? Dive into the issues that matter most to your constituents and stay informed about current events. All of this information will not only help you better wrap your arms around the endeavor you’re about to take on, but will help you set goals as you start your campaign. 

  3. Be Intentional with Networking: Building a network is crucial for any political campaign. Be intentional about connecting with individuals and organizations that align with your values and that may be able to amplify your message once you’re a candidate. Are there neighborhood leaders you need to meet? Can you go to relevant neighborhood association or community meetings and meet civically engaged folks? Can you connect with folks who have run for the office you’re seeking in previous years?

  4. Consider Joining a Training Program:  Candidate training programs can give you more context related to the work involved in running for political office – especially a state or local office where budgets are small, and an operation isn’t being run by a large staff. Whether you’re just weighing the option of running or are definitely going to file, a training program will help prepare you to put their best foot forward from the beginning of a campaign.  Here is a list of Training Programs for Democrats Who Want to Run for Office that you can check out.

  5. Rolodex Yourself:  Running for office requires financial resources to support various campaign activities. So, like it or not, you will have to get comfortable asking people for contributions once you’re a candidate. Before you officially launch your campaign, take the time to rolodex yourself. Start a spreadsheet and compile the names and contact information for everyone you know and are even remotely connected to. It will be a LOT of people but - trust us - will come in handy throughout the campaign. Think about exporting your Facebook friends list, email list, phone contacts, and track down (or create your own) membership lists from groups you may be affiliated with. Have an old yearbook lying around? Add former classmates to the list! Again, the goal is to create the beginnings of an epic rolodex that you can tap into for campaign help later. 

  6. Step Up Your Volunteer and Community Engagement Game: Volunteering and engaging with your community are excellent ways to gain visibility, build trust, and understand the challenges faced by your future constituents. Participate in local service projects, community cleanups, and volunteer at local organizations. Show your commitment to serving the community even before holding office. To put it simply – show up. Since you care enough to consider public office, you are probably already doing some of this work, but it's important to be intentional and perhaps increase your role or find new opportunities outside of your normal network of folks.

  7. Develop Your Public Speaking and Communication Skills: Effective communication is essential for any political candidate and you’ll need to get comfortable talking to crowds - big and small - about your campaign. Write out a 30 second elevator pitch for you as a candidate that includes who you are and why you’re running. Then, expand that and write a 2 minute version and then a 5 minute version. Get comfortable delivering that elevator pitch and those stump speeches. Practice them out loud, with close friends, or family members. This will not only help you hone your core message, but you’ll get a lot more comfortable delivering this message before you’re officially a candidate. 

  8. Embrace Technology and Social Media: In today's digital age, a strong online presence is vital for reaching a broader audience. Once you’re an official candidate you’ll of course need a professional website, but before you’re a candidate, make sure to establish a social media presence. You’ll be able to create campaign specific Facebook pages and/or Twitter accounts once you’re a candidate but, again, getting comfortable with using social media to connect with people. It is going to be a vital tool in reaching a wider audience during campaign season. 

  9. Familiarize Yourself with Legal Guidelines: Running for political office comes with legal and ethical responsibilities. Familiarize yourself with the criteria put forth for candidates for the office you’re seeking and make sure you understand what will be needed to file for that office. You’ll also be subject to campaign finance regulations and disclosure requirements. Find that information in advance of running so you can read up and become familiar with requirements ahead of your filing to run. 

  10. Get Help: Running for office isn’t a solo endeavor. You’re going to be asking friends, family, and new supporters to contribute time and treasure to help you so you can reach more voters and, ultimately, win. Getting a circle of support around you is critical for you to be able to “be the candidate”, be present with your family, and ensure everything else related to the campaign gets done. Thinking about who could be your campaign treasurer, or who could help you coordinate volunteers, for example, is a great thing to do in advance of becoming a candidate. Have someone in your circle who is really involved in the community? Maybe that person can help you fill your calendar with community events to attend. It takes a village to run for office - so begin considering who in your circle could help out, and what gaps you may have that will need to be filled. If you think hiring professional help, like a political consultant, may be right for you, we would love to talk with you! 

Running for political office is a rewarding journey that requires careful planning, dedication, and a genuine commitment to public service. By following these ten steps, you can lay a solid foundation for your campaign in advance of stepping into the arena. The path to political office is difficult, but with perseverance and a strong sense of purpose, you can make a lasting impact and create positive change in the lives of those you seek to represent.

Blue Dot Consulting is a strategic consulting firm at the intersection of politics and advocacy. With over 25 years of combined experience, Blue Dot Consulting is aimed at helping our candidates, caucuses, and causes exceed their goals and successfully carry out their missions.


Training Programs for Democrats Who Want To Run for Office